Sometimes surfing the Internet really pays off, and I hope your stumbling upon this blog post pays off for you as well:
Through trend-spotting site Springwise, I discovered, which they cleverly describe as the "Etsy for artisan food."
Foodzie could be huge, in terms of exposing many online stores to people browsing around.
On a related note, do you know about Before "locavore," Local Harvest was cataloguing farms and farmer's markets all over the US from the bottom of their hearts.
Is your heart racing, thinking of possible good businesses to start on Foodzie?
Well, think of Local Harvest as a great source to not only discover new great quality, fresh, and sometimes exotic produce, nuts, honey etc.—and order directly from growers. (The passion fruit caught my eye. Who knew this tropical fruit was growing right there in Ventura County!)
If one day you remember you read this here, please chime in. You have a taste tester here at your disposal.
Thanks for the kind words. Our team is extremely passionate about food... and is enthusiastic to be building technology that has the opportunity to change the way people learn about, share, and buy artisan food.
Good thing you guys found each other!
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